SIK Team member
Chloé Aavild Sand Henriksen
Project Administrator
of JATC 2
Project Administrator of JATC 2. Ms. Henriksen is currently employed at the Danish Safety Technology Authority as an assistant case handler. Ms. Henriksen area of expertise is market surveillance of products Ms. Henriksen plays an integral part of the market surveillance of products were she assists the case handler with checking whether products meet the applicable safety requirement.
Ms. Henriksen graduated from IBB international with a degree in office administration and public administration. Ms. Henriksen was previously employed at The Danish Tax Authority, where she worked as a case handler in the field of personal taxes. Ms. Henriksen has also worked at The Danish Property Assessment Authority where she as a case handler worked with public value assessment of properties.
In JATC 2, Ms. Henriksen will serve as the Project Administrator. Her tasks will consist of attending to the JATC 2 mailbox, the handling of diverse administrative tasks such as the booking meetings, taking the minutes, updating the participants on relevant JATC 2 activities, collecting timesheets and submitting the timesheets into the Funding and Tenders Portal and other miscellaneous tasks.