Ministry of Interior and Health
Frances O’Donovan
Head Coordinator of JATC 2
Frances O’Donovan is the Head Coordinator for the Joint Action on Tobacco Control 2 project.
Ms. O’Donovan graduated from The University of Southern Denmark in 2018 with a Masters in political science, specialising in public policy.
She has a background in local politics as a local politician for the municipality of Fredericia. During her time as a local politician Ms. O’Donovan was the Vice Chair for the Health Committee and responsible for the establishment of a local health centre in Fredericia.
She was also recipient of a US government sponsored fellowship for the “Transatlantic Inclusion Leaders Network” – A Leadership Initiative of the German Marshall Fund. The fellowship brings together young elected leaders from around the world to promote inclusive policies and strengthen social cohesion.
Ms. O’Donovan is currently employed at the Ministry of Interior and Health as a Special Advisor working on the Joint Action on Tobacco Control 2 Project.