Dear colleague:
It is a pleasure to announce the 2022 ICO-WHO Symposium on Tobacco Control to be held in L’Hospitalet (Barcelona) the 2nd of December 2022.
Current discussions within the tobacco control and the public health communities have recently started to focus less on controlling the tobacco epidemic and more on ending it. This 6th edition of the ICO-WHO Symposium will include three sessions devoted to the state of implementation of global policies, how are they shifting to tobacco endgame, and how we are building capacity for research and advocacy for it. Moreover, the Symposium will include the worldwide release of the 2022 ranking of the Tobacco Control Scale.
– Please have a look at the Programme.
– This is a PRESENTIAL event, with live streaming.
– The Symposium will be in English with live translation into Spanish.
– Registration is free, thanks to governmental and institutional support.
– Register here (before November 20th).
We kindly ask you to publicize the Symposium in your organization and your contacts: do not hesitate to forward this email and posting the announcement in your corporate website, and in Twitter, Facebook or other (institutional or personal) social networks.
Looking forward to personally meeting you!
(Deadline November 20th)