Management Structure


Management Structure

Jatc Greece management-structure

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee consists of the Coordination Team, the WP Leaders, a representative from DG SANTE and a representative from CHAFEA (the latter two as observers).


  • Oversight of individual WPs progress
  • Monitoring of the milestones and deliverables through periodic conference calls and meetings
  • Maintenance of technical and administrative excellence high standards
  • Support and guidance provision
Jatc Greece management-structure

Coordinating Team

The Coordination Team, held by the HCS partners, will provide the day-to-day project management and will be the intermediary between EC and the Consortium Assembly, throughout the JATC1 duration.

Jatc Greece management-structure

Consortium Assembly

The Consortium consists of all Project’s Participants and meets on an annual basis to make strategic decisions on the JATC1 working and management plan.

Jatc Greece management-structure

Collaborating Partners



Work Packages

A 36-month project that consists of an integrated sequence of
nine (9) work packages (4 horizontal and 5 core WPs).