SIK Team member
Mike Simonsen Straarup
Head Coordinator and
Financial Officer of JATC 2
Mr. Straarup graduated from Aarhus University in 2018 with a master’s degree in social sciences, specializing within public economy. He has previously worked within a local municipality, gaining experience regarding controlling of public finances.In the JATC 2, Mr. Straarup will serve as Head coordinator. He will provide the over-all leadership of the whole project, ensure integration and the integrity of all the different project elements, and act as the final arbiter and decision-maker on all issues and overall project strategies. The Head Coordinator is responsible for the final financial decision-making and verification, while acting as a focal point for external contacts on behalf of the project.
Furthermore, Mr. Straarup will serve as Financial Officer with the task of keeping an eye on the finances, making sure, the overall budget is in line with expectations and that cash flows are paid according the schedule.When necessary, Mr. Straarup will contact the Member States and give guidance on how to fill the documents needed to obtain the refund, and will help Member States in the best possible way to secure a smooth and operational co-operation.