Sociedad Vasco Navarra de Prevensión del tabaq
The XQNS Spain citizen initiative was founded in 2009 to promote the Spanish tobacco Law of 2010.
It is supported by more than 300 citizen organizations, companies and scientific societies committed to tobacco control and the promotion of smoke-free spaces in Spain.
Since then XQNS has played a leading role in defending the threats caused by the tobacco and addiction industries to undermine the articles and achievements made by this law.
XQNS Initiative is currently hosted by the Basque Navarra society for the prevention of smoking, AIRE BERRI and by the Aragonese association for the prevention of smoking APTA, and is currently working in coordination with the CNPT and other tobacco Spanish’s tobacco control organizations Spain to promote the reform of the new tobacco law. It is also integrated within the international Smoke-Free Partnership Coalition, having participated in COP 8 in defence of the FCTC.

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