Sotiria Schoretsaniti
M.Sc., PhD
Head of Smoking Cessation Office
Sotiria Schoretsaniti M.Sc., PhD, is a Psychologist, Specialized in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
She is now the Head of Smoking Cessation Office at the Department of Environmental Health and Monitoring for Smoking Cessation of the Directory of Epidemiology and Prevention of Non Communicable Diseases and Injuries of the National Public Health Organization of Greece. She is also a Smoking Cessation Clinic Psychologist of the Unit of pulmonology and respiratory failure at Evangelismos General Hospital of Athens.Moreover, during the last years she has attended 16 training courses focused on Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy and Counselling through Motivational Interviewing.
Since 2014, she is an instructor in the training courses “Organization of Stop Smoking Clinics” organized by the Hellenic Thoracic Society under the aspect of continuing professional education for health professionals. She has participated as a psychologist in the design and implementation of three NSRF research programmes, she has done the scientific editing of individual chapters of 2 books and she has published more than 40 scientific papers in international journals and in international and Greek scientific conferences.
Since 2014, she is a reviewer in 2 scientific international journals.