September 22, 2022 jaotcadmin

Strengthening Tobacco control in Europe


22nd September 2022 via Zoom
11.00am to 12.30 CET
Strengthening tobacco control in Europe
A Joint Action on Tobacco Control (JATC2) event
hosted by the Health Service Executive (Ireland)
  • European Commission B2 – Cross-border health care and Tobacco Control
  • WHO Regional Office for Europe
  • Secretariat of WHO Framework Convention for Tobacco Control
  • Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control
  • To set the scene on European Tobacco Control
  • To outline the aims and objectives of JATC2
  • To discuss global and European progress, enablers and barriers
  • To develop collaborations
  • To showcase best practice


Registration for this event will open on 23rd August, so be sure to mark your calendars now. More information including how to register is coming soon.

We look forward to seeing you at this webinar.


Joint Action on Tobacco Control 2 – A webinar to launch a webinar Series

Date: Thursday 22nd September 2022
Start time: 11 am το 12:30 CET (DUBLIN time+ 1hour)
  • This is the 1st webinar of a series of 5 focusing on FCTC articles of significant importance to EU MS. Through this series we will engage with international experts to highlight best practices and lessons learned so as to assist EU MS actions. In addition, exemplars in ‘end game’ initiatives will be invited to present their rationales and ideas at such webinars so as to help foster policy development in the EU
  • It is our aim to develop collaborations with national, regional and international bodies, stakeholders and organisations related to forward looking FCTC based and endgame strategies



Speaker Presentation title
(approx. start/finish recording time)
Dr Maurice Mulcahy HSE Ireland Welcome(recording 00.00-0517 minutes)
Annmarie Part HSE Ireland Opening(recording 0517-0740  minutes)
Dr Maurice Mulcahy HSE Ireland Introduction(recording 07.40- 9.55 minutes)
Ditte Helms Kraul
JATC2 Coordination Team
Aims,  objectives and ambitions of the 2nd Joint Action on Tobacco Control ( 09.30-23.08 minutes)
Dr. Angela Ciobanu,
WHO European Regional Office
Tobacco and NCD. Implementation of WHO FCTC and current challenges (23.08-40.49 minutes)
Dr. Tibor Szilagyi,
Coordinator, Reporting and Knowledge Management, Secretariat of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
Global progress in implementation of the WHO FCTC- the 2021 report (40.49-59.55 minutes)
Dr. Mary Assunta,
Head of Global Research and Advocacy at Global Center for Good Governance
Addressing Tobacco Industry Interference – A Global Index on Article 5.3 (59.55- 1.20.56 minutes)
Chair and Speakers plus

Dr Matus Ferech. European Commission.
DG Sante Tobacco Control Unit

Discussion (1.20.56 -2.07minutes.)

Target Audience: JATC2 partners, member state representatives on tobacco control, other tobacco control stakeholders.